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Parish Life

"They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and fellowship,
to the breaking of bread and the prayers." (Acts 2:42)

Divine Services


The weekly Divine Service is held on Sundays, 10:00 a.m., and features a dignified order of worship that follows the Christ-centered and Bible-based historic liturgies of the ancient, orthodox, evangelical, catholic Church as contained in The Lutheran Service Book.

Special worship services are held at various times throughout the year; such as, on Wednesday evenings, 7:30 p.m., during Advent and Lent, at Christmas and Easter, and also on Wednesdays, 7:00 p.m., during the month of July.


Bible Stories

Various classes on books of the Bible, Christian doctrine, the lectionary, and other topics and issues are offered for youth and adults on Sundays, 8:45 a.m., and at other times during the week.

Sunday School classes featuring Bible stories, songs, and crafts are offered for children nursery age through grade eight from September to June on Sundays at 8:45 a.m.

Catechism classes on the six chief parts of Christian doctrine from Martin Luther's Small Catechism are held over a two year period on Wednesday nights for students in grades seven and eight as part of confirmation. In addition, catechism classes for adults who desire to learn more about the Lutheran Church and become members of our congregation are held throughout the year as needed.


Besides serving in the “various holy orders and positions” (Small Catechism, Table Of Duties) in which God has placed us, some of the service opportunities available within the congregation include a women's organization (Mary-Martha Society), an adult choir, a seniors' group (Lively Lutherans), a Board of Fellowship, the Altar Guild, and a Board of Missions.


As part of the East Region of Lutheran Church-Canada, a partner synod of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, we, along with some 300 congregations across Canada, help to support:

* the training of future pastors at Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary in St. Catharines, Ontario

* the proclamation of God's Word by missionaries and pastors in Ukraine, Nicaragua, Thailand, and Haiti through
Concordia Lutheran Mission Society

* development aid and relief work around the world through Canadian Lutheran World Relief

* translation of the Bible into other languages through Lutheran Bible Translators of Canada

* the teaching of God's Word in Canada among various ethnic and linguistic groups; such as, Chinese work in Vancouver, the Korean Lutheran Church in Toronto, the Spanish-speaking Lutheran congregation in Ottawa, and French outreach in Montreal

* bringing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to Native Canadians living in northern Canada through LAMP- "The Lutheran Association of Missionaries and Pilots”

* the production of religious materials for the sight-impaired through Lutheran Braille Workers-Canada

* the sharing of the Gospel through radio, television and printed materials by the Lutheran Laymen’s League of Canada and the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League-Canada

* the sanctity of life through Lutherans For Life-Canada

* the proclamation of the Gospel and the mission and ministry of Christ's church financially with bequests, legacies, endowments, and other gift plans through Lutheran Foundation Canada

St. Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Church
115 Cambria St
Stratford, Ontario, N5A 1H2

Copyright (c) R.McEwen 2008